Wednesday, November 3, 2010


currently writing my thesis..this gonna my final sem taking the degree..after this, i will continue my studies in MBA...hopefully i will get the offer...insyallah if me n my boyfie being selected, we will be in da same fac, same class...all the time together2..yeeeiiii..i love it!luv u like millions of orange m&m pot2!!

lot's of luv...plekaple

Saturday, June 26, 2010

shopping spree

i ask his opinion regarding wut color shud i paint my new bedroom..ade ke cakap warna warni..men2 je die ni take a look la kan dlm xjmp pape pon..xtau la pe yg i nk tgk actually..the design or the, after dh fed up about an hour searching for craps, tutup jela jawabnye....

since now i'm having penyakit pelik,tomorrow im goin to see the doc..tah pekene rahang sbelah ni..tekua dr landasan agknye! nak makan pon payah!ee..ngox je! so tomorrow's plan - "shopping spreeeee!!!" nk g bli brg2 nk msk sem+buy new set of make-up+bli some bju + nk cari kasut "katy perry'"..hahahha..

aritu dh tgk kt Wenzhou..da kasut tu mcm cntk je..harga boleh tahan gak,kalo da lg leh la beli..weehuu...

* currently fall in love with "Alejandro"

lot's of luv...plekaple

Sunday, June 20, 2010


currently doing my report..bru nk stat nk buat..haih...very2 la lazy kot nk buat...2 weeks more to go b4 end up my intern session..gonna mis my experience doing training there..dpt jd engineer kejap..naik kete best2..da driver rmai org besar2..amatla this coming week, myb lec nk turun nk wt evaluations...keep wondering spe la gerangan lec tu kan..hrp2 la knl la lec tu..wee..

lot's of luv...plekaple

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

i really2 want this baju
!!!!!! sweetnye....someone tolong blikn..wuu

org gilak!

this incident happen might be back in 2008...

org gilak: wei..ko kt mne???

si gilak : (xrep)

org gilak: aku da bnd nk tny ko ni...ko kt mne..asl aku col xangkt?ko kne kidnap ke?

si gilak : (still xrep jgk)

* until many times org gilak dok msg2 si gilak, org gilak anta lagi msg ni

org gilak to si gilak : wei..aku nk mtk ko no polis ni...nk repot ko ilang ni!

lot's of luv...plekaple

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


me : u wtpe yang?

him : men gtr ni.u?

me : i wt blog.kiki

him : pulak.nk tlis ape je kt blog tu?

me : sjela. i ske bce blog org..2 sje nk bt..haha

him : Oo..i xmnt blog2 ni.huhu

me : i pn xmnt. tp i tgk org len pny cm best je. 2 nk try 2..hee

him : haha...ok2 wt la

* mmgla he is totally diff from me..haiya....

lot's of luv...plekaple

Monday, June 14, 2010


oh my gosh...i've already own my own blog..weehuu....hahhaha...sudden je came to my head to re-blog again..kiki...b4 this, i've been stalker other's blog...ade yg best and ade yg mine i guess..huhu...1st try la kan..i hope, i'll enjoying do this blogging....(jgn hangat taik2 ayam sudah)..wee...welcome2..welcome2 to apple's blog..wee...

lot's of luv...plekaple